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Luxury never goes out of fashion 

façade and entrance door of the luxury fashion shop Loué in Madrid

Logo design
Corporate Identity
Graphic communication
Commercial material

The events of 2020 transformed people’s behaviour and way of thinking forever. It is evident where the planet is headed if we do not do something. And while a great deal remains to be done, there are brave people who are willing to commit to business models that are much more compatible with this new paradigm: circular economy, sustainability, sharing, leasing, recycling… It is a much more sensible and realistic philosophy.

The best strategy for building a stable and long-lasting brand is to adapt its graphic identity to the brand values, vision and reason why.

Project – Loué (leased or rented in French) is the name of a small business in Madrid that has revitalised a highly specialised business model, namely the rental of luxury fashion and accessory brands. Loué has committed to giving your basic wardrobe a new “lease” of life or of affording you the possibility of buying or renting pre-loved luxury items originally designed for the classes with very healthy bank accounts.

Back of the label with corporate slogan of the luxury fashion shop Loué in Madrid
Label with logo of the luxury fashion shop Loué in Madrid

Loué knows its products and its customers very well. And this is key if you are to define the brand strategy successfully and to have sufficient insight to create a suitable, attractive, timeless corporate identity, one that will never go out of fashion.

The logotype – We opted for a brand typology in which name and logotype were given pride of place. To this end, we came up with a lettering that describes the perfect balance between elegance, personality and weight. Between graphic quality, readability and visibility. Between confidence, style and distinction. Because that is what the Loué products offer.

Logo of the luxury fashion shop Loué in Madrid in its façade

The finishing touch on the logotype is a graphic element that works not only as an accent but also as a distinctive and distinguishing element. It attracts attention and also conveys character. It is like a crown or a piece of jewellery. But above all, it makes the brand recognisable and memorable.

Close-up of the back of the label of the luxury fashion shop Loué in Madrid hanging on a polo shirt
Interior view of the second hand luxury fashion shop Loué in Madrid

Perennial – We like brands that are capable of adapting to change, of staying the course over time and of conveying their message with honesty and truth (greatly needed right now). Values which, as we said at the beginning, transmit a new, bold, different and long-lasting vision moving forward… Which is why its graphic identity is new, bold, different and long-lasting as well. Always keeping up with fashion.os gustan las marcas con la capacidad de adaptarse a los cambios, persistir en el tiempo y portar su mensaje con honestidad y verdad (algo muy necesario en los tiempos que corren). Son valores que, como decíamos al principio, transmiten una visión de futuro nueva, audaz, distinta, perdurable… Por eso su identidad gráfica es también nueva, audaz, distinta y perdurable. Siempre a la última.

Shopping bags of the second hand luxury fashion shop Loué in Madrid
Face and back of Loué's business cards in a corner inside the shop
Do you need a logotype for your company?
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